Friday, October 31, 2008

We can't even help ourselves!

Sunday, October 26, 2008:

The Towles, fellow Glenburn letterboxers, went searching for our planted Robot boxes, and sent an AQ message,

"Hope you don't mind we left a hitch-hiker in one!"

Why no Towles, we don't mind at all! Hope you don't mind that we stole it!

So what if it was raining! (And such ferocious winds that earlier in the day when I went to check in on my experiments at the lab, the road to Orono was closed due to downed power lines and trees and I had to detour an extra seven miles through Bangor just to get there)

A little rain does not stop a true letterboxer!

We found the Compass hitch-hiker from Rhode Island (though the stamp is a bit broken, and this hitch-hiker will now be sent back to it's owner for repair ... good thing it doesn't want to go north, because that direction is missing!)

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