Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Painted Rock

October 12, 2008:

Along Route 6 in Lincoln, ME there is a large boulder that the natives like to paint messages on. Find the graffiti on the road that says "Patty Daddy '03" and stand on this, then look towards the boulder and observe a hollow stump, in which hides the upscott5 letterbox placed by Team Solid Rock.

After attending our cousin's 8th birthday party in a nearby town, We (OnTheCorner, RainWater, AgentS. and our grammy) ventured a little north to find this hidden treasure, on a beautiful fall day!

The Boxing Buddies were feeling adventurous as always, so we climbed up to the top. Then they had their picture taken, and they noticed that the paint on the rock matched the trees behind them!

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